SEPTEMBER 3, 2001 1:15PM 
Sue says she's glad she's out. If it had been any longer duration, it would be hard because they're playing a tough game. But she's so glad they went in and were good samaritans, and she's so glad they won the competition. "Gervase, was it different from your expectations?" Gervase: "Totally different." When he first came in, Nicole grabbed him and hugged him, and he thought, "Get off me, I don't like you!" So he stepped out of his expectations and got to meet them one on one. "I was talking a lot of trash before I got in the house, but it's a mentally a lot tougher than Survivor. This is a crazy show. I'm glad I didn't do this show." Jeff: "It's very interesting to watch the show and then be part of it and see how it all comes together. They sit in the backyard and talk and it's like sitting at home. I see them do things on TV and think, (Why do you do that? The world is watching), but just in the short time that I was there, I lost that perspective." As far as predictions for a winner, Jeff thinks Monica is the winner. He can't explain it. But she should be. She absolutely should be. Alicia: "When you're watching TV, it's so easy to judge people, and we've all been judged on Survivor, but unless you're in the situation, you can't give a good estimate of how a person is. I've seen that first hand here. I've seen these guys on TV, and thought, ( What is the matter? Just smile), but now that I've been in the house and seen their environment and felt the pressure. I really came out of there with a different impression. Monica is very much the same, though. She has stayed the same from the beginning to the end, which shows that she's being true to herself. But someone like Nicole, who's very emotional, I think she's really not that way. When she's in her own enviroment, she's an awesome person. In that environment, it brings out the worst in her. Will's a jokester, playing games. Hardy is playing hard, and yeah he's all about himself and everything, but it's all good. It doesn't make him a bad person. He's probably like that on the outside, so why not be that way in the house. I think it's good we went in there. We learned a lot about each other, and it lifted the spirits in the house." Alicia says she's all about adventure and the outside world. The four walls were killing her. So she gives the HGs all props for lasting. Jeff had thought that Nicole and Hardy were over when the power swung to Monica . He thought coming in that Will was the winner, and was pulling for him because of the flipflop in his popularity and that he was deserving of the money. "But in the show, Monica is very laid back and quiet and under the radar, but to talk to her and get inside her head. She is just an incredible person. She hasn't comprompised a thing, and she's just very deserving." He thinks what she's done for people is wonderful. "She's the most grounded and level person in that house, and to be able to go through what they've have and hold on to that is incredible."